Saturday, November 1, 2008

Welcome to the blogging revolution

Hello everyone in the blogging world. I guess we are starting to jump on the blogging band wagon. My brothers, Neils and Carl, have been blogging for sometime now and every time I see them in person and we start talking about our families and events in our lives, their first response is "if you read my blog you would have that answer." For the time being I thought this was a rude answer, because I wanted to talk with them in person. But now here we are.

I do appreciate your patience while my family and I learn more about blogging and getting updated pictures for others to see. So with out further a due. This is our first blog entry!

Oh, Happy Belated Halloween. Here is a picture of our three kids in there cute costume's.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world. I have also begun to say to people, "If you want to know what is happening in my life read my blog." It is easy to keep in touch through blogging but I still perfer the people interactions. Anyway, good to have you. Love ya lots!
